Visa Requirements for Malaysians

Update! The list of entry requirements for Malaysians has been updated as at January 2018 LATEST VISA REQUIREMENTS FOR MALAYSIANS - JANUARY 2018 Finally, after a month, I eventually completed putting this together. I know there is an existing list (that dates back to 2006 and 2009) in circulation amongst travelers but after getting tired seeing everybody... Continue Reading →

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When I Grow Old

Today I was asked why I travel round the world so much. I didn’t hesitate on my answer, not even for a second. They just looked at me in a strange way. She’s plain weird, I’m sure that was what running through their minds at that time. I don’t think there’s anything weird about my... Continue Reading →

If Only Closed Minds Came With Closed Mouths

"Maturity is realising not every thing requires your comment" It seems that despite the rapid technological advancement today, seems that civilisation doesn't advance hand in hand. One may have traveled around the globe, high and low across oceans and continents, but if one's mentality is still the same, still judgmental, still discriminatory, I just wonder... Continue Reading →

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